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Shure A15LA Attenuator


Handy In-line Attenuator

Hot signals? We have a handy problem solver for you: the Shure A15LA in-line attenuator. The A15LA trims the level of any line-level signal by 50dB. The A15LA is perfect for attenuating high-output line levels that could overload the mic input of your mixer or recorder. It’s also great for reducing hot mixer output levels, preventing them from overloading the aux input of your recorder. The Shure A15LA in-line attenuator: keep a few on hand, because hot signals happen.

Shure A15LA In-line Attenuator Features:

  • Handy in-line 50dB attenuator for balanced mic/line-level signals
  • 3-pin XLRF on the input side
  • 3-pin XLRM on the output side

Tech Specs

  • Type:Line Level Attenuator
  • Pads:-50dB
  • Connectivity:XLR Female, XLR Male
  • Manufacturer Part Number:A15LA
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